Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Heart of a Book Lover


Hi, I'm a book lover. I love reading and writing. I wanted to open a blog where I could freely discuss books I'm currently reading and ones I've finished in the past. As a kid, I enjoyed Encyclopedia Brown and Goosebumps books and later on, some Young Adults fiction works. In the past few years, I obtained a Masters in English Literature and most have my reading has consisted largely of, though not limited to, "classic English novels".

Some people are huge fans of the classics and shy away from them, believing them to be a big and time consuming ask. I think they're rewarding and essential, as so many themes found in these old, beloved stories are relevant even today.

Another great part of reading books by an Austen or a Bronte are the movie/TV adaptations that are the result of these classics, along with the lovely music, costumes and settings to embellish them further. 

I hope I'll find more of you to share my thoughts about books with and receive feedback from. 

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